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Python sample for remote debugging

This sample shows how remote debugging can be done with Python.


If you use a ctrlX COREvirtual enable port forwarding of your remote debug port e.g. for port 15678



Remote debugging is enabled with by the package debugpy

The script provides the function debug.remote_debugging_wait_for_client() were debugpy is used.

In debug.remote_debugging_wait_for_client() is called.

Installed on a ctrlX CORE the service stops executing and waits until a remote debug client will attach.


Feel free to use the script in your own projects.

Build snap and install and start it

For this job we recommend to use our shell script, here for a ctrlX ctrlX COREvirtual with port forwarding

../../scripts/ -PF

and here with network adapter

../../scripts/ -NA

For a bare metal ctrlX CORE you are able to provide all settings via command line, call this for help:

../../scripts/ -help

When build and installation succeeded the snap is started as a service waiting for a remote debug client to connect. This print out should be shown e.g.:

__Accepting remote debug client attaches to port 15678__


In Visual Studio Code you can use menu item Terminal - Run Build Task... - Build upload snap ...

Start debugging wih Visual Studio Code

The file .vscode/launch.json contains launch configurations for remote debugging.

We assume to debug the snap on a ctrlX ctrlX COREvirtual with port forwarding click the launch icon on the side bar and select configuration 'Remote ctrlX COREvirtual - Port forwarding'.

The debugging client of Visual Studio Code will connect to the waiting server and debugging will start.


SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Bosch Rexroth AG SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT