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Software Development Kit for ctrlX AUTOMATION

Version 2.6.0 May, 2024

  • Docu: Improve documentation
  • Moved angular sample to node samples
  • C#: Upgrade to .NET 8
  • Go: Use package ctrlx-datalayer-golang/v2
  • Node: Use node version 20.12.0
  • ctrlX Data Layer: Use version 2.6.1

Version 2.4.0 November, 2023

  • Fix: Some internal Bugfixes
  • Docu: Improve documentation

Version 2.2.0 August, 2023

  • Use base: core22 as basis for each sample project
  • Bump sample projects to core22
  • Use new ctrlX Data Layer with version 2.x

Version 1.20.0 March 10, 2023

  • Documentation and examples for the use of (external) media added
  • Documentation how to use an extenable denylist

Version 1.18.0 November 30, 2022

  • Adapt bulk operation from ctrlX Data Layer
  • Add new samples for bulk operations
  • Update documentation

Version 1.16.0 July 15, 2022

  • Increase maximum numbers of opened files: Docu and sample project
  • Convert Flatbuffers Schema Files to IEC61131 Code: Chapter in documentation Getting Started, PLC sample in samples-iec61131/fbs2plc
  • Metadata database examples added to samples-cpp/datalayer.register.node and samples-python/datalayer.provider
  • Revisions regarding Virtual Box and Native Ubuntu 20.04
  • Deploy fbs only in namepaces

See also Changes of the App Build Environment

Version 1.14.0 March 15, 2022

  • Use flatbuffers version 1.12 for c/c++ projects
  • Use flatc 2.0
  • Remove RT Bundles from SDK
  • Restructured sample projects docu
  • Quick Start Guide
  • Using ctrlX WORKS function 'App Building Environments'
  • Using Snapcraft Remote Build from Canonical

Version 1.12.0 November 22, 2021

  • Change samples to Ubuntu20
  • Add QEMU as new recommended build environment
  • Added node-package
  • Added Node.js Hello-Webserver sample
  • Added Node.js ctrlX Data Layer Client
  • Added C++ Automation Diagnosis
  • Added C++ Automation Trace
  • Added C++ ctrlX Data Layer Diagnosis
  • Added Samples for TPM2
  • Added Developer Guidline
  • Added description to adapt licensing mechanism
  • Added Bundle Description (doxygen) for trace/diagnosis

Version 1.10.0 July 15, 2021

  • Added python appdata sample
  • Added python ctrlX Data Layer Browse sample
  • Added python ctrlX Data Layer Client (complex) sample
  • Added python ctrlX Data Layer Client Subsrciption sample
  • Added python ctrlX Data Layer Provider all-data sample
  • Added python Webserver sample
  • Added python Calculation sample
  • Refactored hello.webserver sample in go
  • Added go appdata sample
  • Added TPM2 sample in go and shell scripts
  • Adapt style
  • Added Api Refernece c/c++ python and c#
  • Improve Documentation
  • Added Python Sample with different Loglevels
  • Added C# Sample with different Loglevels
  • Added C++ Sample with different Loglevels
  • Remove REST API's from package (available online)

Version 1.8.0 March 25, 2021

  • Added .NET 5 (.NET Core) sample (self-contained)
  • Added .NET 5 (.NET Core) ctrlX Data Layer Browse sample (self-contained)
  • Added .NET 5 (.NET Core) ctrlX Data Layer Client sample (self-contained)
  • Added .NET 5 (.NET Core) ctrlX Data Layer Provider sample (self-contained)
  • Added .NET 5 (.NET Core) ctrlX Data Layer Demo sample (self-contained)
  • Added python ctrlX Data Layer Client sample
  • Added python ctrlX Data Layer Provider sample
  • Added python API Documentation
  • Added .NET 5 (.NET Core) API Documentation

Version 1.6.0 November 15, 2020

  • Changed license from BSD3 to MIT
  • Refactored hello.webserver sample
  • Added sample (exemplary work with fieldbus)
  • Added API descriptions
  • Extended datalayer.register.node and datalayer.client sample with flatbuffers
  • Prepared experimental remote snap debugging
  • Added datalayer.realtime sample (share real time data)

Version 1.4.0 July 15, 2020

  • Prepare first release