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README datalayer.client.alldata


This sample app performs ctrlX Data Layer operations in cpp.


The sample requires that the app datalayer.provider.alldata is running in the SDK build environment or as snap on the crlX CORE.

Function Description

The app demonstrates how values of existing nodes of the ctrlX Data Layer can be accessed.

Implementation Description

ctrlx_datalayer_helper.h Cpontains helper methods for creating ctrlX Datalayer Client and/or Provider instances.

datalayerclient.cpp und datalayerclient.h are defining a class which manages the ctrlX Data Layer client access:

  • Starting/stopping the ctrlX Data Layer access
  • Access of ctrlX Data Layer nodes of different data type
  • Callback methods for ctrlX Data Layer access

In main.cpp an endless loop is running:

  • An instance of the class DataLayerClient is created
  • The instance is called to do ctrlX Data Layer access
  • The instance is deleted
  • Sleep some time

Debug and Run

  1. Build the executable via cmake plugin.
  2. Launch the app with the debugger attached by pressing F5.

Build and Install the Snap

Build and install the snap like described here.

Test the Snap

  • Open a SSH connection to your ctrlX CORE
  • Check trace output: sudo snap logs -f sdk-cpp-client-alldata


SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Bosch Rexroth AG SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT