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fbs2plc.exe - Use Flatbuffers in your PLC project

A lot of ctrlX Data Layer nodes contain structured data stored in the Flatbuffers format.

The data structure is defined in a schema file (.fbs file). The FlatBuffers compiler flatc is able to compile such a .fbs file into code for several programming languages including IEC 61131-3 Structured Text (ST).

This guide describes how one or more fbs files can be compiled into IEC 61131-3 ST code and how this code can be imported and used in your IEC 61131-3 project to handle Flatbuffers.

The described workflow and the tools are currently running only under Windows 10.



Install ctrlX WORKS >= 1.20 with the function 'ctrlX PLC Engineering' and 'App Build Environment'.

We recommend to use "C:\Program Files\Rexroth\ctrlX WORKS" as installation path. In this case the path to ctrlX PLC Engineering is "C:\Program Files\Rexroth\ctrlX WORKS\Studio\Common\ctrlX-PLC-Engineering.exe"

ctrlX CORE

  • Create a ctrlX COREvirtual with Port Forwarding and start it.
  • Install the PLC snap.


On your Windows host

Download the ctrlX AUTOMATION SDK and extract it to c:\ctrlx-automation-sdk

Now two executables are available:

  • c:\ctrlx-automation-sdk\bin\oss.flatbuffers\win-msvc-x64\release\flatc.exe
  • c:\ctrlx-automation-sdk\bin\fbs2plc\win-x64\fbs2plc.exe

On your App Build Environment

  • From ctrlX WORKS, create and start an App Build Environment.
  • Login into your App Build Environment: ssh -p 10022 boschrexroth@
  • Password is boschrexroth
  • Install the ctrlX AUTOMATION SDK

    $ ~/scripts/

  • Build a required snap (here amd64) and install it on the ctrlX COREvirtual

    $ cd ~/ctrlx-automation-sdk/samples-cpp/datalayer.provider.all-data $ ../../scripts/ -PF

  • Open a web browser, login into your ctrlX COREvirtual. A Data Layer node sdk-cpp-alldata/dynamic/fbs should exist.

This node later can be read, changed and written by our IEC 61131-3 PLC code.

Reading and writing a flatbuffers ctrlX Data Layer node in your PLC project

The basic steps are:

  1. Create a PLC library which contains the IEC61131 ST code to handle a Flatbuffers variable
  2. Create a new PLC project
  3. Import the created PLC library and provided sample code into your project
  4. Compile the project and log into your ctrl COREvirtual

Create a PLC library

Start cmd.exe and enter these commands:

cd \ctrlx-automation-sdk\samples-fbs2plc\sampleSchema

Result: * The file c:\ctrlx-automation-sdk\samples-cpp\datalayer.provider.all-data\sampleSchema.fbs was compiled into IEC61131 code. * A new PLC library fbs-sampleSchema was created, using c:\ctrlx-automation-sdk\plc\CXA_fbs_Template.library as template. * All required standard libraries were imported. * ctrlX PLC Engineering now has the new library opened.

Store the new library so that you can use it in your PLC project:

  • Select File - Save project and install into library repository
  • Close the libray
  • Keep ctrlX PLC Engineering running

Create a PLC project

  • In ctrlX PLC Engineering create a new PLC project use 'ctrlX CORE x64 Project' as template.
  • Select the node Application and delete it.
  • Select the node PLC Logic
  • Select menu item Project - PLCopenXML import..., select c:\ctrlx-automation-sdk\samples-fbs2plc\sampleSchema\fbs-read-write.xml
  • Double click the node library manager
  • Add the library CXA_DATALAYER to your project.
  • Connect the device of ypur PLC project with the ctrlX COREvirtual
  • Login into your ctrlX COREvirtual

Check the Flatbuffer Access

  • From a web browser login into your ctrlX COREvirtual Web UI
  • Select Settings - Data Layer
  • Expand the Data Layer tree: sdk-cpp-alldata/dynamic/fbs

The values of the x, y, z variables should be changed by our PLC program.